Alert In keeping consistent with following Baltimore County Public School's weather related school closings, all afterschool and evening activities are cancelled for today, Thursday, January 16th. This includes aftercare.

History & Tradition

St. Casimir School was established in 1902 in the ground floor of the original St. Casimir's Church.  The school was founded in the Franciscan tradition and was largely staffed by religious sisters.  It is set in a neighborhood rich in Polish ethnicity and Catholic heritage.  In 1975 St. Casimir's School was merged with St. Stanislaus School to serve the educational needs of both parishes, and the name was changed to Father Kolbe School.

For 14 years Father Kolbe had a campus at St. Stanislaus for kindergarten through grade four.  St. Casimir housed grades five through eight.  With the decrease in vocations it was determined that only one convent would be used, and one Principal would travel between two schools.  As a result of the Catholic Schools' project in 1988, it was decided to move Father Kolbe School to only one campus with a strong staff and incorporate St. Leo's parish as a part of Kolbe School.  This took place in 1989.  On July 1, 2008, the faith community of St. Casimir reestablished Father Kolbe School as a parish school and took on its original name of St. Casimir School.