Alert In keeping consistent with following Baltimore County Public School's weather related school closings, all afterschool and evening activities are cancelled for today, Thursday, January 16th. This includes aftercare.

Arts & Music


Our students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade have Art Instruction once a week.  They work with many different mediums and use a number of techniques to create memorable and meaningful pieces.  Art is prominently displayed around our school building all year round.  On many occasions our student art has been featured at our local library as well as in local businesses.


Our students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade have Music Instruction once a week where they are inspired to learn about music,  theater and movement!    Students have the opportunity to sing at our Christmas Program,  during special Masses and at various events throughout the year. Music instruction allows students of every age and ability to learn about rhythm, reading music and making music.