Alert In keeping consistent with following Baltimore County Public School's weather related school closings, we will be on a two hour delay tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st.

Liturgy & Sacraments

St. Casimir Catholic School faculty and staff daily model the love of Christ to our students. Our goal continues for students to walk closely in relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our children learn and practice Jesus' Greatest Commandment - "The Law of Love".  Jesus said "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27

Prayer, Worship, and Service remains as an integral part of the school community.  Our teachers begin each class with prayer. Our students attend weekly Mass, receive the sacraments at our parish church, St. Casimir, and offer service to our school and parish community.  St. Casimir Catholic School provides opportunities for its students to grow in their faith.