Alert In keeping consistent with following Baltimore County Public School's weather related school closings, all afterschool and evening activities are cancelled for today, Thursday, January 16th. This includes aftercare.

Parent Volunteering

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is committed to providing quality, healthy ministry for all persons, particularly for our children and youth.

All volunteers are required to complete VIRTUS screening and training.


Please use the Volunteer Hour Tracking form in the blue box to the right to report volunteer hours.

Please use the Profit Money Request form in the blue box to the right to track money paid for profit donation.

Volunteer Hours & Fundraising Profit

Families are required to volunteer time and to support fundraising throughout the year.  There are two plans to choose from:

Tuition Plan A:  A family volunteers for 25 hours and raises $400 in fundraising profits. 

**Three half-day preschool students volunteer for 10 hours and raise $200 in fundraising profits.**

Tuition Plan B:  A family may choose to pay a $600 fee and have no volunteer hour or fundraising commitment.

Letters are sent home 3 times a year with current volunteer hours/fundraising earned so every family will know where they stand with hours/profit.At the end of the year if you have not volunteered for 25 hours you will be charged $8 per hour for every hour short of 25 hours.  If you have been unable to raise fundraising profits of $400 you will be billed for the remaining balance.

Reminder for Volunteers: To volunteer at a function with children present you must be Virtus trained.  It can take up to 14 business days to do so.  If interested please contact ASAP for instructions.

Upcoming fundraisers/events to earn hours and/or profit:

World’s Finest Candy Bar Sale 10/3-10/24: $25 from each box sold will be credited towards profit. 

Pasta Picnic 10/13/23

Halloween in the Park 10/31/23: Volunteer to host a table at Circle Park for our students to go Trick or Treating. Candy donations with receipts will be credited at 100% for profit. 

Purse Bingo 11/3/23: Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities for one of the most exciting nights of the year. Sponsor a Bag as a family or promote a business. We will need volunteers for the day of the event. Sign up will be sent out mid October. 

Turkey Trot and Turkey Bowl: 11/21/23: Our annual Race for Education in Circle Park. Donations for students who will run laps with proceeds going directly to our school. Students can earn 90% of donations made in their name.

Santa’s Workshop 12/18/23 Students have the opportunity to “shop” for gifts for family members.  We rely on donations from families (homemade or purchased) as gifts for students to shop for!  Our students love this event and love being able to shop independently for their loved ones)!!!! Donations with receipts will be credited at 100% for profit. 

Field Trips-earn hours for volunteering (absolutely need to be Virtus trained)!

Bull Roast and Shrimp Feast 4/13/24: We typically have a fun Happy Hour for parents and friends to socialize and have a night out!  There are games, silent auction items and specialty baskets raffled off!  Such a fun night!  Parents who volunteer during the event receive volunteer hours. Donations are requested for items for silent auction, baskets, wine & alcohol.  Receipts turned in with proper paperwork provides fundraising profit money!

Lenten Foods: This is an enormous undertaking and an occasion (6 weeks long) where we need help from everyone!  Every week during Lent we make codfish cakes, crab cakes, macaroni & potato salad to sell.  It is a huge process and requires dedication and a lot of help.  We have been lucky enough to be doing this for at least 20 years and this particular fundraiser helps keep tuition at our school down.  It’s popular and we are featured on the local news every year.  Not only can parents earn hours working at this event, they also earn $8 an hour for every hour worked.

Father’s Club: We have a Father’s club and any hours you help with that will count toward volunteer hours.

Fundraising profit and how it can be earned is typically specified with information on each fundraiser/event.  We very much appreciate donations to class parties and aftercare, but unfortunately those are donations only and are not considered earnings toward your fundraising profit.

The HSA (Home & School Association) is always appreciative of ideas and may hold future meetings in which parents/caregivers are invited.

Lastly, in order to ensure you receive volunteer hours and/or profit money we ask you sign in and sign out when volunteering for a field trip or working an event.  We have forms on the school website for you to attach receipt(s) and request fundraising profit for it.  We encourage you to keep track of your hours and email them to Jennifer Saraullo