Alert In keeping consistent with following Baltimore County Public School's weather related school closings, we will be on a two hour delay tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22nd.


Uniforms may be purchased through Flynn and O'Hara.  Visit their website at for a location near you.  Additional uniform requirements are available in the student handbook including summer and gym uniforms as well as hair styles and other guidelines. Click the blue box to the right for Pricing and Order Information.  Please refer to the list in the blue box to the right for pictures and pricing.

Boys Uniform Requirements

Boys Kindergarten- Grade 5

White shirtPolo shirt with logo, short or long sleeve shirt tucked in with a black or brown belt.
PantsNavy school pants/ must be the same color and style as pants from Flynn and O’Hara . No cargo pants or other styles.
SweaterGrey pullover with logo
SocksWhite crew socks above the shoe and covering the ankle or navy dress socks.  
ShoesWhite tennis shoes (summer) an suede bucks or brown jungle moc (winter)

Boys Grades 6-8

White shirtButton down collared shirt (short or long sleeve) with logo. Shirts must be tucked in with brown or black dress belt
TieSchool tie
PantsNavy blue school pants/must be same color and style as pants from Flynn and O’Hara- no cargo pants or other styles
SweaterGrey pullover with logo or grey crew neck school sweat shirt.
SocksWhite crew socks above the shoe and covering the ankle or navy  dress socks.
ShoesWhite tennis shoes (summer) Tan suede bucks with red soles, brown jungle moc (winter)

Girls Uniform Requirements

Girls Kindergarten- Grade 5

White blouseBroadcloth Peter Pan collar short or long sleeve
JumperNot to exceed two inches above the knee
Navy blue school pants may be worn in the cold weather with the white polo with logo.
SweaterNavy blue cardigan with logo
SocksWhite crew socks covering the ankles Navy knee highs or navy tights
ShoesWhite tennis shoes (summer) Tan suede buck, black and white saddle (winter) 

Girls Grades 6-8

White blouseOxford, short or long sleeve
SkirtSkirt- not to exceed two inches above knee- blouses need to be tucked in
SweaterNavy  cardigan with logo
SocksWhite crew socks, navy knee highs or navy tights
ShoesWhite tennis shoes (summer) Tan bucks with soft soles, black and white saddles (winter) 

PreK-3 and PreK-4

Gym uniform is required on gym days only.

ShortsNavy Athletic shorts with logo
T-shirtGrey with logo
SocksWhite crew socks covering ankles
ShoesWhite tennis shoes
SweatsNavy blue sweatshirt and sweatpants with logo